Virbac Czech Republic – přístup pouze pro veterinární lékaře

Diagnosis, assessment and prognosis

  • Are you sure it’s going to fit my St Bernard?

    Yes, the length of the collar is approximately 65cm. This should accommodate any size dog.

  • Can my dog still go swimming?

    It is recommended that the collar is removed before swimming or washing. Once replaced protection may take 24 hours to re-establish.

  • From what age can Preventic be put on a dog?

    Preventic is recommended for use on dogs from 16 weeks of age.

  • How does Preventic 2 Month Tick Collar FOR DOGS work?

    The collar contains the very effective active ingredient ‘AMITRAZ’ that kills and helps detach paralysis ticks. Amitraz is progressively released from a slow release matrix within the collar.

  • How long does it take to work?

    Preventic® will begin to work in a few hours, but it will take approximately 48 hours to reach its maximum level of efficacy, depending on the coat and hair condition of the dog.